XML Integration

Travel agent partners who wish to offer the GRNconnect.com rates through their own website may do so by using a direct Host-2-Host (XML) connection. This connection can be integrated into existing websites and customized according to the agent's own requirements. The interface is designed to enable real-time communication between agents and the GRNconnect.com server by using XML formatted data. Agents can customize the way they display raw data received by XML, such as hotel information, destination lists, and room availability.

For Further Correspondence on XML Integration Process, please fill the form & we will get back to you shortly.

Company name  *
Contact name  *
Position/job title  *
Address  *
Area code  *
Country  *
Email address  *
Telephone number  *
Fax number
Please Enter website name including 'http://' to start of website (ie http://www.grnconnect.com)
Annual turnover (in Euro)
Bookings per month
Type of business
If other, please specify
Main destinations
IT development
Current interface partners
Any other information

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